Fox Memorabilia

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MarodeChineseXmasCrd.jpg (30283 bytes) MarodeGldnDrgn.jpg (18338 bytes) MarodeIDcards.jpg (18586 bytes)

Chinese Xmas Card, Golden Dragon and I.D. Cards from family of late shipmate James Marode 1949-52

NtlmnShlbckSubpoena.a.jpg (8971 bytes) NtlmnShlbckSubpoena_b.jpg (50871 bytes) scan0.jpg (41429 bytes) subpoena.jpg (97266 bytes) wpe11.gif (560004 bytes) wpe16.gif (680161 bytes)

Shellback Subpoena's 1953, 1954 and 1969

CERTIF-OF-APPR.jpg (95260 bytes) DD829pewCert.jpg (45432 bytes) IceBCcertOFach.jpg (31700 bytes) GrtLkMapHistory1968a.jpg (140354 bytes) GrtLkMapHistory1968.jpg (103058 bytes)

Certificates of Appreciation from Ray Whitley, Paul Wieloszynski & Brian Ice;  Great Lakes Naval Base History and Map, circa 1960s

NtlmnShellback1953.jpg (59574 bytes) GoldenShellbackW.jpg (76233 bytes) MagellanW.jpg (111493 bytes) 1950Bluenose.jpg (84778 bytes) OrderOfLocks.jpg (101614 bytes)

Shellback Certificate on way to Rio from Don Nettleman ET3, 1953, Golden Shellback & Order of Magellan from Jerry Struzinski BM2,  1969, "Bluenose" certificate courtesy Joe Comerro, 1959 - 1962, "Order of the Locks" certificate from Panama Canal transit 1970 courtesy Paul Wieloszynski 1969 - 1972

wpe1.jpg (21690 bytes) wpe3.jpg (33495 bytes) wpe5.jpg (43989 bytes)

Nightclub/Restaurant cards, beer labels. Courtesy Paul Wieloszynski STG3, 1969 - 1972

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