See payment details at bottom of page

Fox Ship Photos © 1945 - 2007 (except item #8)

Refrigerator Magnets, $5.00 each, Great Christmas Gift

FoxLateFortiesDD.jpg (43051 bytes) Fox1945Boston.jpg (28645 bytes) Fox1946.jpg (58624 bytes) Fox1953iwTug.jpg (43804 bytes)  Fox1953Sunset.jpg (52494 bytes)

(1) Late 1940's  (2) Late '40's  (3) c. 1951  (4) c. 1952  (5) c. 1952

FoxDDR1953ish12.jpg (30690 bytes) FoxDDR_FullPwr_wClouds.jpg (44032 bytes) FoxFRAMIcolor.jpg (41907 bytes) FoxPortSideAft.jpg (41538 bytes)

(6) c. 1952  (7) c. 1953 (8) FRAM I c. 1973  (9) c. Sepia, colorized, 1953 port side looking aft, slight roll to starboard

(Yes, click on the little photos)

Beautiful 8 1/2" X 11" High Resolution Print on Photo-Grade Paper.  Shipmates $6.00 each, Others: $11.00 each, includes shipping.


Fox_4X6_Postcard.jpg (38771 bytes) 4" X 6" Postcards.  Pkg of (10), $5.50   The web photo doesn't do this item justice, as it prints out beautifully.  A real keeper. 



  FoxZippo.jpg (156476 bytes) 

We don't care if you don't smoke; this is a great collector's item!!

Limited Edition, LIMITED QUANTITY, NEW Commemorative Fox Zippo Lighters, polished chrome. 

Shipmate price: $18.00, non-Shipmate Price: $25.00 if available. Price includes Shipping

Fox Ballcaps

FoxHats_patch.jpg (32858 bytes) 

(Yes, Click on picture)

As you can see, hats are available in the three different silhouettes as original DD, DDR, &  DD FRAM I designation at $24 each, including shipping.  (Non-shipmate's price is $30.00)

Hats are high quality 85/15% acrylic/wool six-panel hats, one-size-fits-all.

Framed photo is from Ian Hall on e-bay for about $25.00 (without frame); is nice rendition, although not entirely accurate of FRAM I configuration.

Jacket Patches

wpe8.jpg (43910 bytes)

Will look good on a pullover shirt or jacket!!

First two patches are 5", third is 4" Diameter

Ship's Jacket Patches: $3.00 each, (2) for $5.00, (3) for $8.00 which includes shipping.  

(Non-shipmate price is $5.00 each).


$15.00 each in Compact Disc format for:

Place orders by contacting :

Paul Wieloszynski     brain.trustATyahooDOTcom

Be sure to specify exact quantity of each item and cost of each.

Make checks payable to "USS Myles C Fox DD829  Association, Inc.

Be sure to include Name and shipping address.  Acceptable forms of payment are Postal money order & personal checks.