Fox Ship Photos © 1945 - 2007 (except item #8)
Refrigerator Magnets, $5.00 each, Great Christmas Gift
(1) Late 1940's (2) Late '40's (3) c. 1951 (4) c. 1952 (5) c. 1952
(6) c. 1952 (7) c. 1953 (8) FRAM I c. 1973 (9) c. Sepia, colorized, 1953 port side looking aft, slight roll to starboard
(Yes, click on the little photos)
Beautiful 8 1/2" X 11" High Resolution Print on Photo-Grade Paper. Shipmates $6.00 each, Others: $11.00 each, includes shipping.
4" X 6" Postcards. Pkg of (10), $5.50
The web photo doesn't do this item justice, as it prints out beautifully.
A real keeper.
We don't care if you don't smoke; this is a great collector's item!!
Limited Edition, LIMITED QUANTITY, NEW Commemorative Fox Zippo Lighters, polished chrome.
Shipmate price: $18.00, non-Shipmate Price: $25.00 if available. Price includes Shipping
Fox Ballcaps
(Yes, Click on picture)
As you can see, hats are available in the three different silhouettes as original DD, DDR, & DD FRAM I designation at $24 each, including shipping. (Non-shipmate's price is $30.00)
Hats are high quality 85/15% acrylic/wool six-panel hats, one-size-fits-all.
Framed photo is from Ian Hall on e-bay for about $25.00 (without frame); is nice rendition, although not entirely accurate of FRAM I configuration.
Jacket Patches
Will look good on a pullover shirt or jacket!!
First two patches are 5", third is 4" Diameter
Ship's Jacket Patches: $3.00 each, (2) for $5.00, (3) for $8.00 which includes shipping.
(Non-shipmate price is $5.00 each).
$15.00 each in Compact Disc format for:
1959 - 1960 Mediterranean Cruise
1972 WestPac Round-the-World Cruise
1979 Decomm Book
Place orders by contacting :
Paul Wieloszynski brain.trustATyahooDOTcom
Be sure to specify exact quantity of each item and cost of each.
Make checks payable to "USS Myles C Fox DD829 Association, Inc.
Be sure to include Name and shipping address. Acceptable forms of payment are Postal money order & personal checks.