Fox March 2003 Newsletter This was snail-mailed to all shipmates on our postal list who don't have e-mail; everyone else has been brought pretty much up to date via the YAHOO site or this web site. Welcome (or Ahoy) *
Hard to believe that no one ever decided to write a newsletter before, that is,
since the Fox retired in 1979. Also
hard to believe that ALL of the Fox’s activities and ALL of the work, fun,
sweat, tears, painting, chipping, cleaning swabbing, shooting, yelling,
gambling, and general skating was done in THE LAST CENTURY. * Guess that makes us (at least some of us) Old
Farts, but better to be this side of the sod than the other, given a choice. * Hope that this finds each of you in good health and doing well!! We have quite a bit of news for the men who do not have, or never knew that we have the largest destroyer web site in the World for ANY destroyer. In fact, I can’t find another web site with as many photos and people and interesting information about a single Navy ship anywhere. So be proud! Even though the hull of the Fox is no longer in service, her crew and memories live on in two forms: a website dedicated to the namesake of the ship as well as crews: http://MylesCFoxDD829.net
and a YAHOO e-mail web site where we have mustered about 325 shipmates who are
averaging about 133 messages each month; the volume of mail this month already
exceeds 320 messages. Even though
we only see each other at the reunions, we really have gotten to know each
other pretty well over the months. Please
join us for the fun at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MylesCFox-DD829/
* The Fox web site has over 1561 photos, including ship photos throughout her history, shipmates, Viet Nam action, Occupation of Japan, reunions, etc. , not to mention that it totals about +150 Megabytes (quite a lot) of data. This site has generated quite a bit of interest, garnering over 100 ‘page views’ per hour (web language for time a page is looked at) since its inception in May of 2001. You really must see this site if you are interested in the life of the ship and its crews. As mates send the webmaster more photos and memorabilia, it grows to become a great historical narration of the life of Destroyermen on a Gearing Class Destroyer during the Post War and Cold War years. It will be quite a legacy to see the collection as it grows. Please do your part and contact the Fox Association to submit photos or other memorabilia. Even things you might consider insignificant may be important to others interested in destroyer history. Reunion News *
Am sure that you have already heard about the Fox annual gathering at Fall
River, Massachusetts September 26-27, 2003.
Contact Bill Quinn165 Ramapo Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10309, Phone:
718-984-9437. Dinner is $35.00/
person. * Fox ballcaps, jacket patches, and compact discs of
the 1960, 1970, 1972 and Decommissioning books, Fox postcardsand Zippo
lighterswill be available for sale, and are on sale now; see the Ship's
Store * Activities will include tour of USS Joseph P.
Kennedy DD850, another Gearing class destroyer. She was built in Boston (go figure) and, of course, Fox in
Bath, Maine. Fox Mailing List *
We now have a total of 585 shipmates who have e-mail or postal addresses; the
web site has managed to help grow the list, as there was only about 200 men on
the list prior to its implementation. The
only men getting this newsletter are those without e-mail saving about
$700.00/year in postage/paper costs.
Fox, circa 1951 Fox Association Membership *
We have Incorporated the Fox shipmate association in the State of Florida so
that the entity is a.) legal, and b.) men feel comfortable sending money for
membership and purchases. So, here
is the structure for supporting this endeavor:
* This fee structure supports the web site, overhead costs, postage, newsletters, ship store overhead, and other approved costs normal for a not-for-profit organization. The Fox bank account now has about $3,000.00, which we hope to grow as the group grows. That account has grown as a result of strong member support as well as ship store sales. If you wish to support the association, please contact: Paul Wieloszynski 1704 Bedingfield Dr, Tampa, Florida 33603-1526. Checks payable to: USS Myles C. Fox DD-829 Association, Inc. Final
Words, for now * It is estimated that between 3,500 and 4,000 men served on the Fox between 1945 and 1979. Some have gone on to calmer seas, but many, perhaps as many as 2,500 are still roaming around as landlubbers somewhere in these United States. So we only have about 15% of the estimated total. It is our goal to contact as many as possible. We have started a committee with the goal to purchase the muster logs from throughout the ship’s life from the Naval Archives. From there we will perform searches (mostly internet-based) to find everyone, and, if possible to determine their status. Last year’s reunion had over 100 people attend, which I think was a record; reunions are only fun and have great fellowship if LOTS of men show up! Which is our goal, to connect with as many shipmates as possible, renewing old friendships and making new ones. We all have much in common; each steamed aboard a fine US Navy Destroyer.
Fox, circa 1973 |