Loren Munson

YN3, 1948 - 1952

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1st Div, 2nd Div, O Div, S-Div, CPO's (old goats), E-Div

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1. F: Chuck Prather, John Hart YN2, ?? B: Bud Haines, ? Wolf, Bulldog Turner. 2. Charles Prather, Sicily. 3. Chief Wood & Wolf SK2, 4. Ezra Mintz 5. Ezra Mintz 6. F Wolf, 7. F. Wolf.

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1 & 2 Bud Haines 3, 4 & 5. Loren Munson YN3, 6. Loren Munson, John Hart YN2 & ??


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Ships Dance Program 1949

"Dance started at 2030 hrs. Was to run until 0100 hrs.. About 2230, the shore patrol was there, the dance was over and never allowed to have ship's dance in Newport RI again...maybe after 1952!"

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